Annie Chapman

Annie Chapman aka Dark Annie, Annie Siffey, Sievey or Sivvey

Born: Eliza Anne Smith in September 1841.

Father: George Smith of Harrow Road. Described on the marriage certificate as a Private, 2nd Battalion of Lifeguards. At the time of his death he is listed as a servant.

Mother: Ruth Chapman of Market Street.

Annie's parents are married on February 22, 1842, 6 months after Annie was born. The marriage takes place in Paddington.

She has two brothers, one of whom is named Fontain Smith, born February 25, 1861. He is employed as a printer's warehouseman. He is a tall man with dark hair and a heavy brown mustache. One or two sisters. One lives with her mother in Brompton. They do not get along with Annie.


Her friend, Amelia Palmer describes her as "sober, steady going woman who seldom took any drink." She was, however, known to have a taste for rum.

Amelia Palmer is the wife of a dock laborer, Henry Palmer. He is an ex-soldier. She is a charwoman who works for local Jewish residents following an accident which left her husband unable to work. She is described as pale faced and dark haired. She has lived at the common lodging house at 30 Dorset Street for four years.


Annie marries John Chapman, a coachman in the service of a gentleman in Clewer, near Windsor. John is a relative of Annie's mother. They are married on May 1, 1869. Annie is 28 at the time of her marriage.

Their residence on the marriage certificate is listed as 29 Montpelier Place, Brompton. This is also where her mother lived until her (mother's) death in 1893. In 1870 they move to 1 Brook Mews in Bayswater and then in 1873 to 17 South Bruton Mews, Berkeley Square. In 1881 they move to Windsor where John takes a job as a domestic coachman. He is in the employ of Josiah Weeks, a farm bailiff at St. Leonard's Mill Farm Cottage.

Mrs. Pearcer tells Timothy Donovan, deputy at Crossingham's lodging house that John Chapman had been a valet in the employ of a nobleman who lived in Bond Street but that he was fired because of his wife's dishonesty.

The couple have three children. Emily Ruth, born 1870, Annie Georgina, born 1873 and John, born in 1881. John is a cripple and sent to a home. Emily Ruth dies of meningitis at the age of twelve. Some reports have Annie Georgina traveling with a circus in France at the time of her mother's death.

Annie and John separate by mutual consent in 1884 or 1885. The reason is uncertain. A police report says it was because of her "drunken and immoral ways." She has been arrested several times in Windsor for drunkenness. Her husband was also a heavy drinker.

John Chapman semi-regularly paid his wife 10 shillings per week by Post Office order until his death on Christmas day in 1886. At the time of his death he is living at Grove Road, Windsor. He dies of cirrhosis of the liver and dropsy. Annie finds out about his death through her brother-in-law who lives in Oxford Street, Whitechapel. On telling Amelia Palmer about it she cried. Palmer says that even two years later she seemed downcast when speaking of her children and how "since the death of her husband she seemed to have given away all together."

Sometime during 1886 she is living with a sieve maker named John Sivvey (unknown whether this is a nickname or not) at the common lodging house at 30 Dorset Street, Spitalfileds. He leaves her soon after her husband's death. Probably when the money stopped coming. He moves to Notting Hill.

From May or June 1888, Annie is living consistently at the lodging house at 35 Dorset Street, Spitalfields. This lodging house is known as Crossingham's and caters to approximately 300 people. The deputy is Timothy Donovan.

This may be the Timothy Donovan aged 29 of Russell Court, St. George's in the East who died of Cirrhosis of the liver, Phthisis and exhaustion at London Hospital on November 1, 1888. It may also be the Timothy Donovan, aged 30, who appeared repeatedly in Thames Magistrate Court through 1887-88 on charges of assualt. This same Timothy Donovan is almost certainly the same one who was indicted for murdering his wife, Mary, in Stepney in 1904.

Dorset Street:

An infamous road in Spitalfields running east-west between Commercial Street and Chrispin Street. The Commercial Street (east) end faces Christ's Church burial grounds, the other end faces the Providence Road Night refuge and Convent on Chrispin Street. There are three public houses on Dorset Street. At the corner of Commercial is the Britannia, also known as the Ringer's after the husband and wife proprietors. The Horn of Plenty is at the corner of Chrispin and in the center is the Blue Coat Boy. Directly across the street from Crossingham's lodging house, about one third of the way down Dorset from Commercial, is the narrow brick archway entrance to Miller's Court. To the left of the entrance at number 27 in McCarthy's chandler shop. Dorset Street is known locally as "Dosset" street due to the number of common lodging houses located along it's length.

More recently, Annie has been having a relationship with Edward Stanley, a bricklayer's mate, known as the Pensioner. At the time of Annie's death he is living at 1 Osborne Street, Whitechapel. He claims to be a member of the military but later admits that he is not and is not drawing a pension from any military unit.

Stanley and Annie spend weekends together at Crossingham's. Stanley instructs Donovan to turn Annie away if she tries to enter with another man. He often pays for Annie's bed as well as that of Eliza Cooper. They spend Saturdays and Sundays together, parting between 1:00 and 3:00 AM on Sundays. Stanley says that he had known Annie in Windsor.

Annie didn't take to prostitution until after her husbands death. Prior to that she lived off the allowance he sent her and worked doing crochet work and selling flowers.

In mid to late August of 1888 she runs into her brother Fontain on Commercial Road. She says she is hard up but will not tell him where she is living. He gives her 2 shillings.

Saturday, September 1, 1888

Edward Stanley returns after having been away since August 6. He meets Annie at the corner of Brushfield Street.

Sometime close to this date, Annie has a fight with Eliza Cooper. The fight has several different tellings but all revolve around Edward Stanley.

An argument breaks out in the Britannia Public House between Eliza Cooper and Annie. Also present are Stanley and Harry the Hawker. Cooper is Annie's rival for the affections of Stanley. Cooper struck her, giving her a black eye and bruising her breast.

The cause is alternately given as:

Chapman noticed Cooper palming a florin belonging to Harry, who was drunk, and replacing it with a penny. Chapman mentions this to Harry and otherwise calls attention to Cooper's deceit. Cooper says she struck Annie in the pub on September 2nd.

Amelia Palmer says that Annie told her the argument took place at the pub but the fisticuffs took place at the lodging house, later.

John Evans, night watchman at the lodging house says the fight broke out in the lodging house on September 6th. Cooper also says that the fight was not over Harry but over soap which Annie had borrowed for the Pensioner and not returned. In one version of the story, Annie is to have thrown a half penny at Cooper and slapped her in the face saying "Think yourself lucky I did not do more."

Donovan states that on August 30th he noticed she had a black eye. "Tim, this is lovely, aint it." She is to have said to him. Stanley noticed that she had a black eye on the evening of September 2nd and on the 3rd Annie showed her bruises to Amelia Palmer.

Donovan will tell the inquest into her death that she was not at the lodging house during the week prior to her death. So it appears from the bulk of the evidence that the fight took place in the last few days of August and probably in the lodging house.

Chapman says that she may have to go to the infirmary but there is no record of any woman being admitted to either Whitechapel or Spitalfields workhouse infirmaries. She may have picked up medication though.

Monday, September 3:

She meets Amelia Palmer in Dorset Street. "How did you get that?" asks Palmer, noticing the bruise on her right temple. By way of answer, Annie opened her dress. "Yes," Annie said "look at my chest." Annie complains of feeling unwell and says she may go see her sister. "If I can get a pair of boots from my sister," she says "I may go hop picking."

Tuesday, September 4:

Amelia Palmer again sees Annie near Spitalfields Church. Chapman again complains she is feeling ill and says she may go the casual ward for a day or two. She says she has had nothing to eat or drink all day. Palmer gives her 2d for tea and warns her not to spend it on rum.

Wednesday-Thursday, September 5-6:

Possibly she is in the casual ward although there are no records to support the assumption. However, following her death, Donovan finds a bottle of medicine in her room.

Friday, September 7, Saturday, September 8th:

5:00 PM: Amelia Palmer again sees Annie in Dorset Street. Chapman is sober and Palmer asks her if she is going to Stratford (believed to be the territory where Annie plied her trade). Annie says she is too ill to do anything. Farmer left but returned a few minutes later only to find Chapman not having moved. It's no use my giving way," Annie says "I must pull myself together and go out and get some money or I shall have no lodgings."

11:30 PM: Annie returns to the lodging house and asks permission to go into the kitchen.

12:10 AM: Frederick Stevens, also a lodger at Crossingham's says he drank a pint of beer with Annie who was already slightly the worse for drink. He states that she did not leave the lodging house until 1:00 AM.

12:12 AM: William Stevens (a printer), another lodger, enters the kitchen and sees Chapman. She says that she has been to Vauxhall to see her sister, that she went to get some money and that her family had given her 5 pence. (If this is so, she spent it on drink.) Stevens sees her take a broken box of pills from her pocket. The box breaks and she takes a torn piece of envelope from the mantelpiece and places the pills in it. Chapman leaves the kitchen. Stevens thinks she has gone to bed.

It appears obvious that she did pick up medication at the casual ward. The lotion found in her room may have brought up there at this time. This would re-enforce Stevens' impression that she had gone to bed. She certainly shows every sign of intending to return to Crossingham's.

1:35 AM: Annie returns to the lodging house again. She is eating a baked potato. John Evans, an elderly man who is night watchman has been sent to collect her bed money. She goes upstairs to see Donovan in his office. "I haven't sufficient money for my bed," she tells him, "but don't let it. I shall not be long before I'm in." Donovan chastises her, "You can find money for your beer and you can't find money for your bed." Annie is not dismayed. She steps out of the office and stands in the doorway for two or three minutes. "Never mind, Tim." she states, "I'll soon be back." And to Evans she says, "I won't be long, Brummy (his nickname). See that Tim keeps the bed for me." Her regular bed in the lodging house is number 29. Evans sees her leave and enter Little Paternoster Row going in the direction of Brushfield Street and then turn towards Spitalfields Market.

4:45 AM: Mr. John Richardson enters the backyard of 29 Hanbury St. on his way to work, and sits down on the steps to remove a piece of leather which was protruding from his boot. Although it was quite dark at the time, he was sitting no more than a yard away from where the head of Annie Chapman would have been had she already been killed. He later testified to have seen nothing of extraordinary nature.

5:30 AM: Elizabeth Long sees Chapman with a man, hard against the shutters of 29 Hanbury Street. they are talking. Long hears the man say "Will you?" and Annie replies "Yes." Long is certain of the time as she had heard the clock on the Black Eagle Brewery, Brick Lane, strike the half hour just as she had turned onto the street. The woman (Chapman) had her back towards Spitalfields Market and, thus, her face towards Long. The man had his back towards Long. She describes the man at the inquest.

Long: "...dark complexion, and was wearing a brown deerstalker hat. I think he was wearing a dark over coat but cannot be sure."
Baxter: "Was he a man or a boy?"
Long: "Oh he was a man over forty, as far as I can tell. He seemed a little taller than the deceased. He looked to me like a foreigner, as well as I could make out."
Baxter: "Was he a laborer or what?"
Long: "He looked what I should call shabby genteel."

A few moments after the Long sighting, Albert Cadoch, a young carpenter living at 27 Hanbury Street walks into his back yard probably to use the outhouse. Passing the five foot tall wooden fence which separates his yard from that of number 29, he hears voices quite close. The only word he can make out is a woman saying "No!" He then heard something falling against the fence.

Annie's Clothes and Possessions:

Dr. George Bagster Phillips describes the body of Annie Chapman as he saw it at 6:30 AM in the back yard of the house at 29 Hanbury Street. This is inquest testimony.

"The left arm was placed across the left breast. The legs were drawn up, the feet resting on the ground, and the knees turned outwards. The face was swollen and turned on the right side. The tongue protruded between the front teeth, but not beyond the lips. The tongue was evidently much swollen. The front teeth were perfect as far as the first molar, top and bottom and very fine teeth they were. The body was terribly mutilated...the stiffness of the limbs was not marked, but was evidently commencing. He noticed that the throat was dissevered deeply.; that the incision through the skin were jagged and reached right round the neck...On the wooden paling between the yard in question and the next, smears of blood, corresponding to where the head of the deceased lay, were to be seen. These were about 14 inches from the ground, and immediately above the part where the blood from the neck lay.

He should say that the instrument used at the throat and abdomen was the same. It must have been a very sharp knife with a thin narrow blade, and must have been at least 6 in. to 8 in. in length, probably longer. He should say that the injuries could not have been inflicted by a bayonet or a sword bayonet. They could have been done by such an instrument as a medical man used for post-mortem purposes, but the ordinary surgical cases might not contain such an instrument. Those used by the slaughtermen, well ground down, might have caused them. He thought the knives used by those in the leather trade would not be long enough in the blade. There were indications of anatomical knowledge...he should say that the deceased had been dead at least two hours, and probably more, when he first saw her; but it was right to mention that it was a fairly cool morning, and that the body would be more apt to cool rapidly from its having lost a great quantity of blood. There was no evidence...of a struggle having taken place. He was positive the deceased entered the yard alive...

A handkerchief was round the throat of the deceased when he saw it early in the morning. He should say it was not tied on after the throat was cut."

Report following the post mortem examination:

"He noticed the same protrusion of the tongue. There was a bruise over the right temple. On the upper eyelid there was a bruise, and there were two distinct bruises, each the size of a man's thumb, on the forepart of the top of the chest. The stiffness of the limbs was now well marked. There was a bruise over the middle part of the bone of the right hand. There was an old scar on the left of the frontal bone. The stiffness was more noticeable on the left side, especially in the fingers, which were partly closed. There was an abrasion over the ring finger, with distinct markings of a ring or rings. The throat had been severed as before described. the incisions into the skin indicated that they had been made from the left side of the neck. There were two distinct clean cuts on the left side of the spine. They were parallel with each other and separated by about half an inch. The muscular structures appeared as though an attempt had made to separate the bones of the neck. There were various other mutilations to the body, but he was of the opinion that they occurred subsequent to the death of the woman, and to the large escape of blood from the division of the neck.

The deceased was far advanced in disease of the lungs and membranes of the brain, but they had nothing to do with the cause of death. The stomach contained little food, but there was not any sign of fluid. There was no appearance of the deceased having taken alcohol, but there were signs of great deprivation and he should say she had been badly fed. He was convinced she had not taken any strong alcohol for some hours before her death. The injuries were certainly not self-inflicted. The bruises on the face were evidently recent, especially about the chin and side of the jaw, but the bruises in front of the chest and temple were of longer standing - probably of days. He was of the opinion that the person who cut the deceased throat took hold of her by the chin, and then commenced the incision from left to right. He thought it was highly probable that a person could call out, but with regard to an idea that she might have been gagged he could only point to the swollen face and the protruding tongue, both of which were signs of suffocation.

The abdomen had been entirely laid open: the intestines, severed from their mesenteric attachments, had been lifted out of the body and placed on the shoulder of the corpse; whilst from the pelvis, the uterus and its appendages with the upper portion of the vagina and the posterior two thirds of the bladder, had been entirely removed. No trace of these parts could be found and the incisions were cleanly cut, avoiding the rectum, and dividing the vagina low enough to avoid injury to the cervix uteri. Obviously the work was that of an expert- of one, at least, who had such knowledge of anatomical or pathological examinations as to be enabled to secure the pelvic organs with one sweep of the knife, which must therefore must have at least 5 or 6 inches in length, probably more. The appearance of the cuts confirmed him in the opinion that the instrument, like the one which divided the neck, had been of a very sharp character. The mode in which the knife had been used seemed to indicate great anatomical knowledge.

He thought he himself could not have performed all the injuries he described, even without a struggle, under a quarter of an hour. If he had down it in a deliberate way such as would fall to the duties of a surgeon it probably would have taken him the best part of an hour."

29 Hanbury Street:

Just three or four hundred yards from Chapman's lodging house, 29 Hanbury Street is a largely wooden structure consisting of eight rooms. Seventeen people lived inside.

There are two front doors, one leading into a shop and the other, on the left, into a passageway which goes through the building and opens into the back yard. The door to the back yard swings to the outside from right to left and, when open, covers a small recess of the yard. It is a self closing door. Baxter refers to it as a swinging door. The back yard is separated from the adjoining yards by a five foot high wooden fence. There are three stone steps leading down to yard level. Looking from the top of the steps there is a small wood shed to the left, Annie's feet pointed directly at it. To the right is the Privy. The yard itself is a patch work of stone, grass and dirt.

The ground floor of Number 29 was occupied by Mrs. Annie (Harriet) Hardyman and her 16 year old son. Both of them slept in the front room which doubled as a shop where they sold cat meat. The rear room was used as a kitchen.

The first floor front room belongs to Mrs. Amelia Richardson and her 14 year old grandson. She has lived here for 15 years. Her business is making packing cases, employing her son, John, who does not live on the premises. She also rents the cellar, which is used in manufacturing, and the yard. The first floor back room is shared by a Mr. Waker, a maker of tennis boots, and his retarded adult son.

The second floor front room contains a family consisting of a carman named Thompson who works at Goodson's in Brick Lane, his wife and adopted daughter. The back room is shared by two unmarried sisters named Copsey who work in a cigar factory.

The third floor attic front room is occupied by an elderly man, John Davis who is also a carman and his wife and three sons. the attic rear belongs to Sarah Cox, an elderly woman whom Mrs. Richardson keeps out of charity.

The staff of Casebook: Jack the Ripper wishes to thank Mr. Tom Saupe for his contributions to the victims pages.

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